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Anti-Slavery Policy

‘As a supplier for Secure Access Technologies Ltd, you must commit to take positive steps to ensure that Modern Slavery will have no place in either your own business or your supply chain’

Secure Access Technologies Ltd is a distributor of access control and door entry products. We buy from all major manufacturers of these products and sell them to installers in a business to business environment within the UK only.

In 2015 the government introduced the Modern Slavery Act and larger UK companies (turnover £36 million or more) will be required to include statements in their annual reports detailing the steps their business is taking to identify and prevent modern slavery both within their own business and throughout their supply chains.

Secure Access Technologies Ltd support the Modern Slavery Act and we will strive to protect workers across the globe and ensure our suppliers and their supply chains protect their workers and are taking a proactive approach to strong ethical working practices.

Although as a company Secure Access Technologies Ltd are not yet required to report under the Act we have decided that, from 2018, we will start working with our suppliers as they assess their supply chains and identify areas that may be at risk and put in place plans for them to meet their obligations under the Modern Slavery Act requirements.

If there are suppliers that have highlighted risks within their supply chain these suppliers will need to provide further evidence to us that they are working towards mitigating the risks and demonstrate what plans they have in place to move towards eradication of this practice.

Our aim is to fully engage with our Suppliers and move towards transparency and eradication of this practice and raise awareness among our own staff through education.

Useful links

Modern Slavery Act 2015 –

Slavery and Human trafficking in supply chains – guidance for business –

Sedex, the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, is a not for profit membership organisation dedicated to driving improvements in responsible and ethical business practices in global supply chains –